Secretary of State Wyoming Research
If you need help with a state business search or other research in Wyoming Secretary of State records, call the professionals at PSWI.

Secretary of State Wyoming Research
Our experience makes the difference! Whether you need help with a state business search or researching information on court filings, call PSWI. Our professionals know how to effectively conduct this research to get you the information you need in a timely manner.
Process Service of Wyoming, Inc. provides assistance in searching Secretary of State records for all counties and cities within the state.
Excellent Customer Service • Informed Research • Fast Service

Process Service of Wyoming Inc offers research services for in and out-of-state clients. Contact PSWI today!
Examples of legal documents searched include:
- Legal Filings
- Wyoming State Business Search
- Corporation Searches
- General Research and Information Searches
- Business and UCC Certificates
- Industry Information
- Search for Company Names and Business Data
- Search for Corporate Entities in the State of Wyoming
- General Business Legal Research Facts and Statistics
Our Experienced Professionals Make the Difference
PSWI offers a wide array of services for handling, delivering and locating documents. Our experienced professionals have a vast knowledge of record and document types that can help you find the information you need in a timely manner.
This experience helps us ask clients the right questions to start on the research process. A solid starting point for a research project helps reduce delivery time and can also provide other information to support a case or legal proceeding.
➢ Call to discuss or learn about our expertise in searching and retrieving state records from the Secretary of State, and from all Wyoming counties and courts.
PSWI discovers the exact data and research information you need. Be sure to use our service of process agent services using our expert staff of professionals throughout Wyoming and Colorado.